
Thursday, March 31, 2016

Baking Shortbread biscuits

Today during Discovery Time we welcomed one of wonderful mums to help us with some baking! We all had a turn mixing and measuring and using a cookie cutter to make our Shortbread cookies. They tasted DELICIOUS!! YUM!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Morenadub visit

On Thursday we were very lucky to have a visit from a couple of performers from the Brazilian group called Morenadub. They have been travelling and playing in New Zealand and had recently played in the Wellington Street festival CupaDupa. They gave us a 45 minute performance which we really enjoyed. Some of their songs are really funky. Check out their website here. Below is one of there videos!

Minha Cuscuz - MōrenaDub

Monday, March 21, 2016

Purple Cake Day

On Friday the 18th March we participated in Purple Cake Day. Each syndicate held a different fundraising event. We could choose to ride our wheels, attend a pool party, buy sweet treats from the cake stall or home made lemonade from the lemonade stand. Our syndicate raised $714!!! The school made nearly $1300 all together! The money we raised will be used to help kids all over the world to get an education, food and drinking water. We all had a wonderful day!!

Hockey Skills

Today we had our first of 3 Hockey Skills sessions with Jarron. We learnt how to grip our stick, use the hockey haka stance and tried to dribble the ball. To practice our new skills we played Rob The Nest and Creep Up Jack. We can not wait for next time!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Risk Task Maths

During Math today we were exploring the question: There are 24 legs in a paddock. How many chickens and how many sheep could there be?  We enjoyed using a variety of materials and strategies to find our answers! We are going to practice communicating how we got our answers but we all did very well working together!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Mandarin Lesson 2

Today Hayley joined us again and we learnt numbers 1-5 and how to say thank you. We are going to need a bit of practice to remember the numbers!!

No Child Left Inside

Today at our Fundermental skills session Catherine taught us how to throw properly using the underarm technique. We loved using her bean bags and got really good at aiming for the hoops. We enjoyed using a game to show and practice our learning.